GATRA’s History


  • GATRA launches new service in Scituate –  Over 500 passengers rode the new Scituate Loop (Sloop) bus in July, providing shuttle bus service between the Scituate Harbor and the Greenbush MBTA.


  • GATRA adds a new service stop in Norton/Mansfield – In response to customer requests, GATRA extends the Rt. 140 bus service between Wheaton College in Norton and the Mansfield MBTA station to include a new stop at the popular Mansfield Crossing shopping mall off School Street.
  • GATRA Administrative Offices get upgrades – Design for the new administrative office, including a larger call center, was completed in 2014. Also, upgrades to the HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems along with a new fire protection system were completed in 2014.
  • New Bus Shelter is constructed in Wareham – To service the new Cape Flyer train between Boston’s South Station and Hyannis, GATRA constructed a new train platform and bus shelter in downtown Wareham.
  • GATRA expands Travel Training services – In 2014, GATRA partnered with CO-OP Productions, a local non-profit organization serving people with disabilities, to provide travel training for all individuals who want to learn how to use GATRA’s fixed route buses. GATRA also hired a new part-time travel trainer to meet the ever-increasing demand for training services.
  • GATRA launches the Tri-Town Connector – The new service provides expanded bus service to the towns of Norfolk, Wrentham and Foxboro.


  • Attleboro Intermodal Transportation Center Opens in November 2013.
  • Ride Match – GATRA releases a new mobile version of its popular online tool in June 2013.
  • Plymouth Transportation Center – In January 2013, a RFP went out for the design and construction of the new facility. Fennick/McCredie Architects were hired to complete preliminary/conceptual design of the new facility. The preliminary design is expected to be completed by spring 2014.
  • MAP-21 – On July 6, 2012, President Obama signs a two-year bill (MAP-21) authorizing additional funding for federal transportation programs. As a result of the bill, transit programs are projected to increase slightly to $10.578 billion in FY 2013 and $10.695 billion in FY 2014.
  • Performance Measurements – As part of the new MAP-21 guidelines, the state implements a comprehensive performance measurement system with the objective of improving the overall service of the state’s public transit system. Both fixed route and dial-a-ride services are measured using Passengers Per Revenue Mile (PPRM), Passengers Per Revenue Hour (PPRH), Revenue Miles Between Preventable Accidents, and Miles Between Road Calls.
  • New Travel Training Program – In early spring 2013, GATRA unveils a new Travel Training Program that teaches individuals how to safely and independently ride public transportation systems in Attleboro, Taunton and other communities where GATRA operates fixed route buses. Travel training can consist of several one-on-one sessions or group lessons.
  • Upgrades to Taunton Bus Station Continue – In a continued effort to improve safety, comfort and energy efficiency for both riders and employees, GATRA completed the design and/or construction of several capital projects. Safety improvements included the construction of (2) new egress stairways, a new security camera system and the design of a fire sprinkler system at the terminal. A collaborative project with the Taunton Housing Authority resulted in the construction of a new walkway equipped with energy efficient lights and security cameras that now connects an 80 unit public housing complex and the bus terminal. As part of the ongoing modernization effort, icynene insulation was applied to the roof structure of the terminal building, a new HVAC system was designed and advertised for construction in the spring of 2014. Currently, a new energy efficient heating system for the Taunton Maintenance facility is being designed.


  • In December 2012, GATRA launches Ride Match, a new web-based tool that offers quick, easy access to information about transportation options for seniors, individuals with disabilities, and anyone needing to travel in Southeastern Massachusetts.
  • The towns of Scituate and Hanover join GATRA in 2012.
  • GATRA initiated life safety and energy efficiency modifications at its Taunton facility. Upgrades include egress improvements to the terminal and administrative offices building along with new energy efficient lighting, new HVAC equipment and a new waste oil burner heating system in the maintenance facility.
  • With funding from FTA, FHA and MassDOT, construction of the Attleboro Intermodal Transportation Center (AITC) begins. The AITC includes the construction of a new bus station, a dedicated bus loop, a new access road to the MBTA lot and additional parking for commuters.
  • GATRA partners with the Town of Plymouth in completing a feasibility study to locate a future Intermodal Transportation Center in downtown Plymouth.


  • In fiscal year 2011, GATRA added shuttle services that take commuters in Bellingham and Pembroke to MBTA rail stations in neighboring towns. The MBTA shuttle in Bellingham starts from the Plaza at Bellingham Commons and goes to the Forge Park station in Franklin, serving two morning and two afternoon trains.


  • With funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, GATRA moves forward with two major construction projects: the rehabilitation of the historic Attleboro Commuter Rail Station and improvements to the Taunton Terminal building.


  • GATRA begins operating demand response (Dial-A-Ride) service in Duxbury, Marshfield, Pembroke, and Wrentham.


  • GATRA is the first Regional Transit Authority in the state to go green with the acquisition of two hybrid buses.
Hybrid Bus
  • The Franklin Area Bus (FAB) fixed route service began in March of 2008. FAB provides service Monday through Saturday, traveling to Bellingham shops on Saturdays only.
  • The Wareham/Middleborough/Lakeville MBTA Shuttle began in September of 2008 and it provides service from Wareham to Lakeville Monday through Friday.
  • Also in 2008, the Seaside Area InterTown Line (SAIL) fixed route began operating. SAIL provides service from Kingston to Marshfield via Duxbury and ends at the Stop and Shop in Pembroke. SAIL operates Monday through Saturday.


  • The Medway MBTA Shuttle began in October of 2007 and provides service from two locations in Medway to the Norfolk MBTA station.  This service operates Monday through Friday.


  • In May, GATRA introduces its “Ticket to Ride” campaign to promote a new automated fare box system that allows riders to purchase passes on the bus. Also in 2006, GATRA rolls out a new photo ID system and installs video surveillance on its fixed route bus systems in Attleboro, Taunton, Plymouth, and Wareham to address security concerns.


  • GATRA adds a new full-time travel coordinator as the travel training program continues to expand to address the travel needs of people with disabilities.


  • Between start-up in May through June 30, Kingston Dial-A-Ride transports a record-setting 1,037 passengers.


  • Construction of the Harry Bloom Maintenance Facility on Oak Street in Taunton is completed.


  • In July, GATRA institutes a new half-fare policy for handicapped, elderly, and student riders.


  • GATRA receives its first transit buses. The two 30-foot coaches, built by Transportation Manufacturing Corporation, are delivered in April and put into service in Taunton and Attleboro in May.


  • Francis Gay is appointed as GATRA’s new Administrator.


  • GATRA operates its first fixed route transit service in the City of Attleboro in October with a trial including two buses. Due to its early success, the service is later expanded into Seekonk in January, 1979. In that same year, a fixed route service begins in the City of Taunton in November and is later expanded in December.


  • The Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA) is created in December 1976 pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 161B of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Authority is given general responsibility to develop, finance, and contract for the operation of mass transportation facilities and services within its territory. The territorial area of the Authority consists of six of the ten original cities and towns designated in the Act, these being the cities of Attleboro and Taunton and the towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, Mansfield and Norton. At the time of formation of the Authority, North Attleboro, Raynham, Berkley, and Dighton do not join, however they may join in accordance with provisions of Section 3 under Chapter 161B.