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The cash fares below apply to all fixed routes. The passes below apply to Attleboro, Taunton, and Plymouth routes:
Transfer for FREE (within one town only)
Reduced fare prices apply for Seniors 60 and older, disabled and/or Medicare card holders, and students through high school.
GATRA issues "Statewide Access Passes" for persons 60 and over or who have a disability.
Some GATRA routes have special fares. If you're riding a route outside Attleboro, Taunton, or Plymouth, check out the fares on each route page.
Transportation for Seniors (60+) and Persons with a Disability ADA Paratransit
Transportation to Medical Appointments
Resources for Riders To Plan Transit Trips
Transportation Options For Commuters Commuter Parking
Route 18 Saturday INBOUND – effective April 2nd 2022 time change