April 19, 2023 GATRA Advisory Board Meeting

Advisory Board Agenda


WEDENSDAY APRIL 19, 2023 – 1:00 p.m.


GATRA Advisory Board Meeting

Taunton City Hall Council Chambers

15 Summer Street, Taunton, MA 02780


Zoom Link for Advisory Board Members




  1. Minutes of the February 13, 2023, GATRA Advisory Board Meeting

(Motion to roll call for accepting the minutes of February 13th, 2023, meeting)


  1. Administrators report by Mary Ellen DeFrias



  1. Civil Right Update

(Motion to roll call vote to accept Administrators Report)



  1. Financial Review by Dan Burgess
  • Contributory Retirement Letter

(Motion to roll call vote to accept Financial Report)


  1. Review Draft budget



  1. Executive Session

(Motion to Roll call to go into Executive Session)

  • Pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(7), to comply with, or act under the authority of, any general or special laws or federal grant-in-aid requirements (G.L. c. 30A, §22): approving minutes of November 16th, 2022, Executive Session


  • Pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Authority’s bargaining or litigating position, and the chair so declares.