MassHealth & PT-1 Trips Complaint Process and Feedback

How can I submit a complaint about my trip or provide feedback?

If something went wrong on your trip, we want to know. Please contact your broker either:

  • On the phone where you will be able to speak to a representative or leave a voice message 
  • On their website to provide your feedback in writing and to upload any photo/video evidence that you wish to provide 

If your broker is GATRA, please call (800) 431-1713 or go to

If you file a complaint you should expect to hear back within 24 hours that your complaint has been received. You should be notified at that time if your broker needs additional information from you to investigate your complaint further. You may request not to ride with a transportation provider that you filed a complaint about while the complaint is being investigated..

Who should I contact to provide feedback about my HST transportation services or if I have general questions about the brokerage?

HST wants to hear from you if you’re not receiving the highest level of service. We rely on your feedback to ensure that this essential part of the healthcare system is working.

To file a complaint, contact the HST office at (617) 847-3427 or

To provide any other feedback or ask general questions, contact the HST office at (617) 847-3427 or 

Tell us about your experience!

This information may be available in alternative formats as a reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities.  Please email your request to, or call (617) 847-3427 with a description of the accommodation you will need and include as much detail as you can.