RFP25 Questions & Responses:

Attention Transportation Providers!
Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) and Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA), in partnership with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), are seeking bids from qualified Transportation Providers for our Program-Based Transportation services.
Whether you’re already part of our network or interested in joining, seize the opportunity to extend your reach by offering transportation services to Day Habilitation (DAYHAB), Department of Development Services (DDS), Early Intervention Programs (EIP), and Department of Mental Health (DMH) Clubhouse Programs.
To receive the Request For Proposals and commence your journey towards becoming or remaining an integral part of our network,
email PB.RFP25@MRTA.US for MART (HST Regions 1 & 2)
and or
RFP25@gatra.org for GATRA (HST Region 3 – Southeastern MA and the Cape and Islands)
Starting July 3rd, 2023