GATRA Advisory Board Meeting – December 13, 2021

GATRA Advisory Board Meeting – December 13, 2021 – 2 p.m.
Taunton City Hall, 2nd Floor
15 Summer Street, Taunton, MA


GATRA Advisory Board Meeting for the purposes of going into Executive Session under MGL Section 21. (a) A public body may meet in executive session only for the following purposes:

• To discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health, rather than professional competence, of an individual, or to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual. The individual to be discussed in such executive session shall be notified in writing by the public body at least 48 hours prior to the proposed executive session; provided, however, that notification may be waived upon written agreement of the parties. A public body shall hold an open session if the individual involved requests that the session be open. If an executive session is held, such individual shall have the following rights:

i. to be present at such executive session during deliberations which involve that individual;
ii. to have counsel or a representative of his own choosing present and attending for the purpose of advising the individual and not for the purpose of active participation in the executive session;
iii. to speak on his own behalf; and
iv. to cause an independent record to be created of said executive session by audio-recording or transcription, at the individual’s expense.

• The rights of an individual set forth in this paragraph are in addition to the rights that he may have from any other source, including, but not limited to, rights under any laws or collective bargaining agreements and the exercise or non-exercise of the individual rights under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights of the individual.

There may be discussion, consideration and possible voting regarding the above matter.

• The Advisory Board may return to open session.

• Any other matter that is not known within 48 hours